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Monday, April 16, 2012
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
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5 Keys for Unlocking the Value from Networking Meetings ...
Posted by Terri Shannon, April 3, 2012
Is networking hard work? Sometimes. However, I look at building business relationships as analogous to what I do as a Mom. I truly love being able to do what I can for my professional connections. Whether it?s referring a job candidate, passing along a prime sales lead, or offering a sincere ?congratulations? for receiving an award, relationship building with my networking contacts is an important key to success.
A recent encounter with one of my professional contacts illustrated this quite well. I?d waited for some time, very patiently in fact, to finally have lunch with Larry, one of my networking contacts. His area of expertise, and the type of business he runs, is printing. I?ve been able to refer him some business in the past, but my specific goal recently was to discuss referrals.
Ironically, the location he chose for lunch was where I?d been for a professional association meeting just the previous evening. Very naturally, I was able to talk to Larry about this new organization. Sharing information with him about the inaugural meeting of this women?s organization was truly valuable information for him and his thriving business that depends on referrals as perhaps its primary source of new clients.
However, as interested as Larry was in this information, I wasn?t prepared for the subject he shared with me next! His printing company, just days before, received our local Chamber of Commerce 2012 Business Award honoring their impact in our community. I had no idea whatsoever! What an honor for him and his employees. Well, he was his usual humble self. I, however, felt horrible for not gathering such key information about his business before I met him for lunch!
Truthfully, I?ve since researched the award Larry received and although it was an important one, the recognition, unfortunately, was easily missed because it wasn?t made as public as it deserved. Hopefully, within a short time from now, his LinkedIn updates will feature this. From that lunch meeting, I know we both received great information that will help further our business relationship.
Lesson learned: Don?t take any opportunity for granted! Fortunately, thanks to social media, there?s so much information about our professional contacts that is readily available. I should never show up at an appointment, of any kind, without being prepared with not only what I want to share with my contact, but also what I should know about them, like recent awards or recognitions, news in their industry, or anything at all that I am confident is affecting their business.
Relationship building is part of effective networking. Let?s review a few basics that are so often overlooked:
1)??? Always follow through on your commitments. This includes being on time. Whether or not you called the meeting, it?s a common courtesy to be on time. Things happen; so certainly if traffic, etc., causes you to run late, you should be able to at least attempt to let your contact know.
Referring to the lunch story above, I?d previously told Larry that I?d draft my own 30-second-commercial and email it to him. This is an easy way to help my contacts in the referral process, especially since many of my contacts don?t have their own in-house training expert. I had a copy of what I?d emailed him with me as a point of discussion. It was helpful, too, for me to assure that the info I?d given him was of value.
2)??? Be creative. Although your business relationships may not be ?right on? in terms of practicing within the same industry, if you want to build a strong network, find something of value you can present to each of your contacts. Google and LinkedIn are a great resource for articles, etc., to share. Often times, the simple fact that I documented (or remember?) facts about my contact can help me share leads. For example, remembering where my contact?s children went to high school helped?the high school just started a business networking organization. I knew this?my contact didn?t.
3)??? Take the time to organize and document your information. Thank goodness for! The information you gather in your business relationships isn?t going to serve a business purpose if it?s not documented appropriately. Although you may pride yourself on having a great memory or home office note system, it?s a courtesy to your colleagues to have your files accessible for their use as well.
4)??? Utilize the ?Golden Rule.? If you invite someone to discuss leveraging each others? contacts, cramming your monthly sales special down their throat when meeting is not appropriate. Similarly, although it may be beyond your comfort zone, it?s okay to say no. For example, should you genuinely not have time if asked to a networking meeting, be honest. Honesty, I believe, is a sign of integrity. After all, if we?re truly networking for a business purpose, we want our networking contacts to be successful, right?
5)??? Practice what you preach. I?m a real believer in this. What good am I to others if I don?t? For example, Amy Fox (President and CEO of ABR) posted a blog entitled ?The Three Most Compelling Questions in Sales.? Here?s an excerpt: ?One of the most compelling questions is a Motivation question. Motivation questions get at what?s really at stake for the client and allow you to find out what the impact, consequence, or effect will be of fixing the customer?s problem. For example, it might sound like, ?After your company installs the new system, what impact will that have on your department?? Or you might simply ask, ?Why is that important?? The key is uncovering the customer?s motivation so you can understand how they define value.?
Motivation questions are very key as we work on building relationships! Given our current difficult economic times, time definitely is money. It?s important to keep this in mind and assure to give your contact the opportunity to answer a motivation question. Once your appointment wraps up, you want your contact to look forward to a follow-up conversation, right?
What lessons about business networking have YOU learned recently?
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012
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Effective Tips For Good Vision Health - How To Have Good Vision ...
Most of us give a lot of importance to our weight and appearance and spend humungous amounts on grooming and looking good. How many of us actually give importance to an oft-neglected area of our health i.e. our eyes? Our eyes are an overlooked aspect of our health.
Most people encounter vision problems because they are careless about the health of their eyes and do not take necessary steps to maintain good vision and eyesight. Expert eye specialists and ophthalmologists recommend the following tips for good vision health.
Tips For Good Vision Health
Conduct Of Regular Eye Exams And Check Ups
It is very important for parents of young children to take them for eye exams before the age of five to check for vision disturbances and misaligned eyes. These if detected early can be rectified and treated. Adults should get regular eye checkups done in their 30?s and 40?s.
This will enable doctors to diagnose eye problems like cataract and deal with them before they flare up. People with a history of diabetes or having diabetes should get six monthly check ups done to ensure that their eyes are free from diabetic retinopathy.
Wear Sunglasses
Good quality sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory meant for the rich and the famous. They are there for a reason i.e. to protect your eyes from the harsh and harmful rays of the sun.
Good quality sunglasses when worn regularly protect the eyes from macular degeneration, a condition that is frequently seen in the elderly. Choose glasses, which give 100% UV protection. Always prioritize comfort and protection over fashion when it comes to choosing the right sunglasses for your eyes.
Protect Your Eyes
Photo Credit:
People in manufacturing, mining and drilling industries are exposed to dust, pollution, dirt, foreign particles and harsh light all of which can damage the eye. In such cases, it makes a lot of sense to wear protective eye wear like special glasses and eye patches as recommended for your job.
Care for your contacts
People with eyesight related problems are increasingly opting for contact lenses. This however, comes with a price i.e. good contact lens care. Make sure you follow all the instructions specified in the booklet for contact lens care. This will prevent the contact lens from injuring your eye or causing corneal ulcers.
Diet plays a huge role in good vision health. Eat a diet that is high in Vitamin A or beta-carotene as this vitamin helps to look after the eyes. Green leafy vegetables are also necessary as they contain leutin, an enzyme that helps to prevent macular degeneration. Have your essential omega- 3 fatty acids like almonds, flaxseeds and oily fish for good eyesight and vision.
Prevent Eyestrain
It is very important to follow good reading habits to prevent eyestrain. Always sit on a table and chair for reading purposes. Make sure the book is a least 6 inches away from your eyes. Ensure that there is adequate light. Use reading lamps for the purpose of reading.
Since eye problems are also hereditary, make sure you speak to your family physician for any kind of eye problems.
Photo Credit:
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
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The Thread and I: Update
A week ago Saturday was the baby shower.........? I finally got the gifts wrapped and ready and myself dressed and away we went.? Teresa is an exceptional hostess and it was a delightful event........? My first family baby shower in over two decades and a good time was had by all..........
I spent the rest of the week in home chores.......? I got more pictures hung.....? Just a few more feathers in the nest........? When I hang groupings or pictures that must be hung side by side I cut out the shape on freezer paper and mark where the hanging wire would be........? Then I can tape them to the wall to get them exactly as I want them to be.............
When they are hung they come out nice and even..............I got the four seasons hung in the hallway.
And the Welcome that Joyce made as a 50th anniversary gift for my parents hung in the guest room....
Mama had these Williamsburg Prints hanging in her dining room for a long time.....? I put them over the bed in the guest room...... I don't have bedspread or dust ruffle for this room yet so pillow cases to match a quilt will have to suffice.....? No need to do it all at once....? After all, little and often fill the pot.....
Last week at this time we were on the way to meet Jean and Bill........? We met them in Danville which is half way for each of us..........? We needed to replace the poinsettias with spring flowers....Rebekah had come on Sunday and she went with us to Danville.? Then Rebekah and I spent the rest of the week baking and planning............? We baked 2 cakes, three batches of scones, two kinds of cookies, homemade rolls and biscuits.........? We visited with neighbors, knitted on our socks and talked with people stopping by to visit with us............
Saturday was Amanda and Matthew's house warming.........? Another grand time had by all.........
Now this week I must tackle the work in the yard.........? Maybe I will remember to take more pictures....
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Feds: 'Meterological March madness' mostly random
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Freak chance was mostly to blame for the record warm March weather that gripped two-thirds of the country, with man-made global warming providing only a tiny assist, a quick federal analysis shows.
For much of March, record temperatures hit as high as 35 degrees above normal and averaged about 18 degrees warmer than usual. The United States broke or tied at least 7,733 daily high temperature records in March, which is far more than the number of records broken in last summer's heat wave or in a blistering July 1995 heat wave, according to federal records.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration analyzed the causes and chances of what it nicknamed "meteorological March madness." Meteorologist Martin Hoerling said the main cause was a persistent warm wind sending toasty air north from the Gulf of Mexico. The study is not peer-reviewed and some outside scientists say it is short-sighted.
"Climate change was certainly a factor, but it was certainly a minor factor," Hoerling said.
He said the bigger issue was wind patterns. Low pressure in the Pacific Northwest and high pressure in New England created a perfect funnel, like the gutter lane in a bowling alley, for warm air in the Gulf of Mexico to head north. That air is about 15 to 20 degrees warmer than the air in the Midwest. From time to time that air heads north, but what is unusual is that the wind pattern stayed that way for about two weeks.
"''Why wouldn't we embrace it as a darn good outcome," Hoerling said. "This was not the wicked wind of the east. This was the good wind of the south."
For example, Chicago had nine straight record hot days, eight of them over 80 degrees when usually that city doesn't hit 80 until late June.
Hoerling said it's hard at this early point to apportion blame for an event so massive and rare. This seems to be about a once-in-century type event. If this were a once in 40 years type heat wave, as initially predicted, it would be fair to say the chance of it happening is about five part randomness to one part manmade global warming.
"It is a freak event that appeared to have perhaps a freak ancestor, 1910," Hoerling said. In that year there was a similar heat wave.
Hoerling analyzed March temperatures and compared them to past decades and found that since 2001, March has been nearly 2 degrees warmer in much of the country than the 1960-1990 average. So he said that's about 10 percent of the added heat.
Hoerling said a lot of people have worried that if March was this hot, what would June be like. But the March weather has little relation to what comes in summer, Hoerling said. "This is not the new reality," he said.
Climate scientists said the world should expect more extreme weather ? like the March heat wave ? as the climate changes. But they also hesitate to attribute single weather events to global warming.
Penn State University climate scientist Michael Mann said the longer term view is more important.
"This winter and spring we're breaking warmth records at more than 10 times the rate we'd expect naturally," Mann said in an email. "So while it is true that individual weather events represent the random rolls of the weather dice, human-caused climate change has loaded those dice. That's why we're seeing 'sixes' come up far more often than we'd expect from chance alone."
NOAA's analysis on March:
NOAA's list of high temperature records broken in March:
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The CNN real estate foreclosur?
The CNN real estate foreclosure discomfort catalog lately scored the degree of foreclosures agony skilled in 10 with the greatest People.Utes. metropolitan areas and discovered shocking stableness in most. Every metropolis has a little different story to know as much as the effect of home foreclosure on the housing business as well as diploma which ideals have decreased. Maybe you?ve examined your own current market? That ought to be one of the first things you do when you start to fund buy to find out what your best practices might be. Listed here are the important points for any best trading markets:
The Big Apple has the least expensive foreclosures pace one of the 10 largest urban centers in the Oughout.Ersus. at 1.08Percentage on the real estate market. The most important factors behind The big apple housing sector stableness: Costs are excessive and have only gotten 13Per cent. Most people hire and the people who are in a position to get are totally manipulated by apartment and chicken coop organizations. They have been conventional about who purchases in and the way very much they put on a mortgage loan. The typical price of a home in Ny is Bucks435,000.
In La the real estate foreclosure pain catalog (3.34Percentage) is a little more increased, nevertheless beneath the nationwide regular. The median price of a dwelling in New york is Usd320,000. There was a percolate of housing pastime inside the middle of-2000s in Are generally that led to some dangerous financial loans, and that ended in the ripple of real estate foreclosures experienced with L . a . particularly 2008 and 2009. The economic system in Are generally is different and hasn?t been as determined by the housing marketplace as many of the far more typical percolate cities. Home declined 40% in 2006 in Are generally, but have been effectively smooth from the time.
Chicago?s real estate foreclosure agony list rate is 3.68Pct and also the media price of a house Money210,000. Chicago, il rates by no means underwent a increase and bust line pattern. Homes charges have dropped 17Per cent through the 2006 height. Relatively few homeowners have under water mortgage loans. The financial state has click the skids, into a most of 10.3%. Most home foreclosures have already been being out of work relevant.
Facilities has become another steady marketplace during with simply a 1.76Per-cent property foreclosure charge and a economical mean household expense of Dollar164,000. Lack of employment stays about a place underneath the nationwide ordinary. The population will continue to increase swiftly. About 150,000 men and women shifted in to the Dallas local area vicinity amongst September 2008 and Come early july 2009 sopping up most offered housing and inspiring a extension of new homes growth. Home prices have only fallen 10% because 2006.
Philadelphia?s home foreclosure suffering listing is only 1.54Percent and contains continued just about flat given that 2006, as has the price tag on casing. Currently the mean cost of a Philadelphia house is Buck230,000. Redundancy has stays a consistent 8.6%, that is under the Oughout.S. common. Philly confronts a crumbling production overall economy and has failed to take in new careers for the out of work workers. Individuals merely has cultivated by 5Per cent due to the fact 2000.
Like of Texas Houston has endured much less with the property foreclosure dilemma than lots of communities. Its property foreclosure soreness catalog is barely 1.61Percentage plus the n average cost of a house a modest Dollar150,000. Casing expenses in Houston tx are 15% below the country wide ordinary. Merely one house in 62 has received foreclosures see in Houston placing it 104 of 206 promotes in RealtyTrac?s directory of foreclosed sees.
Arkansas experienced a few of the vintage thrive and breast maladies of the homes economic collapse, similar to a number of other Florida urban centers. Its foreclosed agony directory still is a high 7.08Per-cent, however it is marketing household amount has dropped with an economical Usd126,000. Home are out of 60Percentage through the peak. New mexico is certainly one city which has not quit experience the anguish. Several house mortgages are under mineral water then one in just about every 14 people acquired a foreclosure observe for the duration of 2010.
Wa, DC has experienced most of the ups and downs on the real estate market. California hosts probably the most well-informed numbers in the nation and possesses not expert pretty the unemployment discomfort of other parts. Nonetheless, it would notice a huge go up in the price of housing as well as 2006 has slipped from a typical dwelling price tag previously mentioned Dollar400,000 to the somewhat cheaper Dollar306,000. This 25% decline in house cost has place lots of dwellings under water and thus, the foreclosed discomfort index nyc coop mortgage bank was at a rather great 4.42Per cent. One in 49 Buenos aires, Power households acquired foreclosed filing in 2010.
Metro atlanta has experienced fairly great unemployment of 10.3Percentage because of the economic depression and a lot of the property foreclosure troubles base in the excessive being out of work. Its foreclosed agony rates are at 2.04% as well as average dwelling worth in Atl town you live is Usd143,000. Consequently, one inch each and every 23 Atlanta homeowners got foreclosed filing last year.
Ma is the one other minimal real estate foreclosure market place at 1.24Percent for the home foreclosure soreness catalog and also a n average house value of Dollar307,000. The median price of a house has dropped 20Percentage in Ma given that middle of the-2005. Joblessness remains to be nicely beneath the country?s average as a result of best educational marketplaces present in Boston celtics. Both joblessness and foreclosure premiums have already been falling slowly with one in each and every 80 homes buying a foreclosed registering truly.
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Dirty Crude Spells Dirty Air in California ??
?????Sunday 1st April, 2012??Source: New America Media ??
California's long-running campaign to reduce air pollution has indirectly helped create a new problem: its oil refineries now produce more greenhouse gas emissions than refineries anywhere else in the country. On average, California refineries emit 19 to 33 percent more greenhouse gases per barrel of crude oil when stacked up against comparab... | Breaking News |
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Monday, April 2, 2012
Free Conference Aims to Increase Orphan Awareness
By Kathy Garrison
Did you know there are 147 MILLION orphans in the world? Or that there are 500,000 foster children in the United States? We currently have 400 children in foster care in Champaign County alone. The numbers are staggering, but we can all be a part of the solution for these children! The CHOSEN Ministry is a local organization who has a heart to come alongside those who desire to make a difference in these children?s lives.
The CHOSEN Ministry is an orphan care and adoption ministry of First Christian Church in Champaign. It was born from awareness about the crisis of the state of children around the world ? both here and abroad. The ministry?s purpose and passion is to partner with people as we seek to fulfill God?s mandate to care for the orphan and vulnerable child. We want to educate, inspire, and enable families to step out and explore whatever God is calling them to do on behalf of these children, whether through adoption, foster care, mentoring, sponsorship, volunteering, or partnering with a reputable organization that is caring for needy children.
We are excited to tell you about the CHOSEN for LIFE: MERCY for the ORPHAN conference which will be hosted by the CHOSEN Ministry on April 28. This is an adoption, foster care, and orphan awareness conference that will have a little something for everyone ? not just those interested in adopting! We will have breakout sessions on God?s heart for the orphan, orphan care & awareness, foster care, spiritual lessons learned in an adoption process, as well as other adoption related topics such as attachment and bonding & HIV adoption. We have excellent breakout speakers and are so thankful to be able to offer them to conference attendees.
Our keynote speaker will be Carolyn Twietmeyer. Carolyn is a world-wide advocate for children with HIV and special needs, as well as a mother of 14 children. Carolyn and her husband Kiel have adopted seven of those children, two with HIV, and one with Down syndrome. She is also the founder and director of Project Hopeful, an organization dedicated to encouraging and enabling families and individuals to advocate for and adopt children with HIV/AIDS. She is a dynamic speaker who is passionate about each one?s role in caring for the orphan. Carolyn will share her story, God?s heart for the orphan, and how He wants us to respond to their needs. She is an expert in HIV adoption and will open our eyes with the facts about adopting a child with HIV.
The conference will also include many exhibits from various organizations, adoption agencies, foster care agencies, and mentoring programs.? This will be a great opportunity to collect information and talk to representatives from some of the organizations.
The conference runs from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., with registration beginning at 8:30. The conference is FREE to attendees, and a lunch will be available for purchase upon registration; conference attendees are also welcome to bring their own lunch.?FREE limited childcare will also be available (and a kids lunch will be available for purchase)?but spots will fill up, so be sure to register soon if you?d like to reserve a spot for your child.
We?re looking forward to a great event, and hope you will take a moment to introduce yourself at the conference. We encourage families to register soon to secure your spot for the day, as well as order lunch, or register children for child care.?? We know you will be moved to discover how you can be a part of caring for orphaned and vulnerable children.
More information and the registration link can be found at

Kathy Garrison
Kathy Garrison is the founder of CHOSEN Ministry. She and her husband, Nathan, have seven children between the ages of 2 and 15, with four of them being adopted from Ethiopia.? She is a stay-at-home mom, and has a passion for working on behalf of the fatherless.
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After hitting highs for 2012, oil prices have started to trend sharply lower, and a number of stocks in the oil sector have dropped considerably more. This creates a new opportunity for investors to pick up some recently battered shares at undervalued prices. Psychologically, it's tough to buy now, after all, what if the debt crisis is going to create an implosion in Europe? What if China has a "hard landing" and only sees annual growth of about 7 or 8%? If those concerns come to pass, then oil could drop further, however, longer-term investors should try to focus beyond the daily noise and headlines. Forward-looking investors need to position their portfolios for success in the next few years, not the next few days.
If you listen to the daily noise, you could end up buying at the highs when the markets are up huge and everything looks great, but then you could end up selling with a loss when markets are ugly and fear of a financial collapse from Europe is hitting the headlines. While the world economy faces multiple and serious challenges, recessions don't last forever and the global population continues to grow. Eventually that means more need for housing, energy, food, etc. Oil stocks could be one of the best sectors to invest in as the world economy recovers.
Corrections in oil are likely to be shallow, because many investors are seeking hard assets such as gold and oil, which cannot be printed like paper currencies. Central banks are expanding the money supply in an attempt to print their way out of excess debt, and that will eventually lead to inflation. The combination of increased economic activity, inflation and a growing global population could be a recipe for much higher prices for oil. With that in mind, here are a few oil stocks that have seen a substantial drop from recent highs. Investors should consider using the current weakness as a buying opportunity:
Weatherford International, Ltd. (WFT) is one of the world's largest providers of maintenance and a variety of other drilling-related services to oil and gas companies. Weatherford's services enable energy companies to drill more efficiently and lower costs, and the demand for this is expected to remain strong for the foreseeable future. This stock was trading around $17 per share just days ago, however, when Baker Hughes (BHI) announced that it expected a weak first quarter, almost all the oil service stocks fell sharply. Weatherford now trades for about $15 per share, which is just slightly above the book value of $13.09 per share. The stock looks deeply undervalued for long-term investors and the shares trade for just about 7 times forward earnings. Barclays Capital recently gave this stock an overweight rating and set a $27 price target, and that would provide current investors with a near double.
Here are some key points for WFT: Current share price: $17.74. The 52 week range is $10.85 to $23.41. Earnings estimates for 2012: $1.37 per share. Earnings estimates for 2013: $1.87 per share. Annual dividend: none
Halliburton Company (HAL) is another major oil services company. This stock also declined significantly after Baker Hughes warned, and the stock dropped from about $36 down to around $33 per share. However, the drop appears unwarranted, since Halliburton does not have the same exposure to natural gas projects when compared to Baker Hughes. The long-term future looks bright, because as oil consumption increases from emerging market countries, oil companies will be forced to explore and drill for oil in more remote locations, and at deeper depths. Halliburton shares are trading at close to half the 52-week high of $57.77, and it trades for just about 7.5 times forward earnings. On March 23, 2012, FBR Capital gave Halliburton shares an overweight rating and set a $55 price target.
Here are some key points for HAL: Current share price: $33.19. The 52 week range is $27.21 to $57.77. Earnings estimates for 2012: $3.83 per share. Earnings estimates for 2013: $4.46 per share. Annual dividend: 36 cents per share, which yields 1.1%
Nabors Industries, Ltd. (NBR) is a leading provider of drilling, fracking, engineering, transportation and other services to oil and gas companies. Nabors recently announced net income of $89.5 million, 30 cents per share in the fourth quarter and $342.2 million, or $1.17 per diluted share for the full year 2011. Analysts are expecting improved financial results for 2012 and 2013. With the stock near the lows of the recent trading range, the shares look cheap and trade for about 7 times earnings estimates. Thanks to the recent oil services stock correction, these shares even trade below book value, which is $19.43 per share. In February 2012, analysts at Argus gave Nabors shares a buy rating and set a $30 price target. That would provide current investors with nearly a double from these levels.
Here are some key points for NBR: Current share price: $17.49. The 52 week range is $11.05 to $32.47. Earnings estimates for 2012: $2.24 per share. Earnings estimates for 2013: $2.71 per share. Annual dividend: none
Disclosure: I am long HAL, WFT.
Disclaimer: Data is sourced from Yahoo Finance. No guarantees or representations are made. Hawkinvest is not a registered investment advisor and does not provide specific investment advice. The information is for informational purposes only. You should always consult a financial advisor.
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